Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5001 | Saving Your Safety Culture With No-Blame Accountability
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Blame suffocates culture. The solution is positive accountability. Develop knowledge to diagnose blame within your work culture. Discuss common causes of blame and the misconceptions that allow blame to thrive. Take away practice tools and guidance to eliminate blame in your organization and start curating positive accountability that will strengthen your operations and enhance safety.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5002 | Building Professional Credibility: What ESH Professionals Say About Profession, Practice & Improvement
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
What do ESH professionals say about professional credibility in the workplace? How important is it? How do we improve it? Review ongoing research into measuring professional credibility, and learn from real-world examples of the good and the bad. Use this knowledge to take actionable steps that will create better relationships in the workplace.
Business & Leadership Skills
Matt Law
Ph.D., CSP
W.W. Grainger, Inc. Manager, Customer Safety Strategy
Level: Beginner | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5003 | From "Add Diversity & Stir" to Meaningful Change: Rethinking DEI in the Workplace
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
To deliver meaningful change, we must move beyond the "add diversity and stir" approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and use the learning-and-effectiveness paradigm to transform workplace health and safety programs. This paradigm goes beyond buzzwords and establishes a solid framework for focusing on integration within and across your organization to support long-term success.
Business & Leadership Skills
Abby Holovach
Holt CAT Environmental Compliance Manager
Jennifer Hsu
Milestone Technologies, Inc. EHS Project Specialist
5004 | A New Blueprint for Improving Safety & Mental Health in Construction
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Get an inside look at one organization's blueprint for enhancing safety and mental health in the construction industry. It focuses on empowering critical frontline leaders to learn and adopt a leadership style that has a dramatic impact on safety and wellness.
Total Worker Health
Rachel Neal
Compass Datacenters Vice President of Global Safety
5005 | Only Up From Here: Applying Effective Work-At-Height Controls
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
How can you contribute to a future with fewer fall fatalities and disabling injuries? The well-known hierarchy of controls doesn't have to be just a theoretical ideal that usually results in PPE. Explore practical ways to apply a refined hierarchy of controls aligned with ANSI/ASSP Z359.2 and review some lessons from rope access in ANSI/ASSP Z459.1.
Fall Protection
Russell Duren
PGM Safety Services Lead Safety Specialist - Quality Assurance
5006 | Strategies for Enhancing Productivity & Risk Management in Hospitality: Balancing Ergonomics, Safety & Environmental Risks
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Review practical ways the hospitality industry can address unique challenges of ergonomics, safety and environmental risks while maintaining high productivity. Gain insights on strategies to manage repetitive tasks, mitigate safety hazards in dynamic environments and integrate sustainability practices. Take away proven tools you can use to enhance workplace design and improve worker well-being in your organization.
5007 | Four Layers of Practical Decision-Making: From Novice to Expert
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
How can we improve our own decision-making fast? Why is there a gap between work-as-imagined and work-as-done? Why don't people follow procedures? Discover the four decision-making layers used by everyone from novices to experts: 1) explicit procedures; 2) general guidelines; 3) universal principles; and 4) tacit skill. Review real-world examples and take away practical tools and resources.
5008 | Integrating NFPA Standards for a Complete Electrical Safety Program
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
The integration of NFPA 70E¨, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace¨, and NFPA 70B, Standard for Electrical Equipment Maintenance, are key elements of a strong electrical safety program. Deepen your understanding of the requirements of these complementary standards and gain new guidance on how to use them in combination to create a comprehensive, effective program.
5009 | Why Managing Your Contractors' Safety Performance Is Critical to Your Results
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Your safety and health program needs to integrate your company's contractors and visitors to be most effective and protective. Take away tools and resources to prevent and manage liability exposures created by these operations.
Risk Assessment & Management
Sheila Coppinger
Chubb Insurance Vice president , Executive General Liability and Excess Casualty Specialist
5010 | Machine Safeguarding: Driving Safety Through Risk Assessment, Guard Implementation & Control Reliability
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Review essential machine safeguarding and control reliability standards, including OSHA, ANSI, ISO, and NFPA guidelines. Explore compliance requirements, risk assessments and the importance of reliable safeguards. Discuss best practices for enhancing machinery safety by understanding regulations, implementing effective risk assessment processes, selecting appropriate safeguards and ensuring control reliability to create safer workplaces.
Risk Assessment & Management
Mark Stewart
Arrow Industrial Solutions (a Clarion Safety Systems company) Divisional President
5011 | The Bridge Model: Integrating BBS & HOP to Address Modern EHS Strategies
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
The bridge model integrates behavioral-based safety (BBS) and human and organizational performance (HOP) to create modern, effective EHS strategies. Based on ANSI/ASSP Z10.100, you can use this model to balance human behavior and systems to reduce incidents and drive performance improvements across industries. Gain practical insights and examine real-world case studies to enhance your learning.
Business & Leadership Skills, Risk Assessment & Management
Level: Executive | Track: Safety Management Systems
5012 | Role of Artificial Intelligence in Safety Management Systems: A Case Study
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Have you ever thought, "Surely there must be a better way to manage critical risks? What if there was a way to predict vulnerabilities in our system before serious incidents occur?" Discuss case studies about companies that have deployed AI to predict safety incidents.
5013 | Bridging the Gap: Empowering EHS Professionals in Safe, Healthy & Sustainable Building Design
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
EHS professionals are often underrepresented in sustainability, and our contributions are often overlooked. We can change that. Discuss a current example that highlight the important role EHS professionals must play in both specifying building materials and outlining the "means and methods" of their installation to reduce worker exposures.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5014 | Applied Ethics for EHS Professionals
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Ethics are the standards of conduct and moral values that govern actions and decisions in the work environment. Only through truth and the promotion of ethical practices can we minimize harm and maximize benefits to all stakeholders. Engage in a thoughtful debate of real-world ethical dilemmas and explore ideas about ethical theories and professional conduct.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5016 | "It's Your Safety, Don't Give It Away!" The Kina Hart Story
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Hear Kina's gripping tale and leave feeling empowered. Her powerful insight and practical advice reflects her genuine compassion and unwavering determination to spark collective growth and accelerate awareness of the importance of workplace safety
5017 | Workplace Mental Health Investment: Convince, Persuade & Lead
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
In today's fast-paced, do-more-with-less work environments, worker mental health has emerged as a critical health and safety issue. Chronic stress and burnout on the rise. Is your organization proactively managing the risks? We simply can't afford to overlook this crisis any longer.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced | Track: Safety Management Systems
5018 | KICS: Innovating Next-Gen Training
June 27, 9:45am - 10:45am
Looking for new ideas on engaging workers in training? Discuss innovative methods including microlearning, interactivity, technology and others. Develop the skills and make the connections you need to create and deliver training that meets the desired learning styles of the next generation(s).
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5021 | Safety Rosetta Stone: Aligning Managers & Leaders With True Safety Program Performance
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Does your safety program include training/education for managers and upper management? If allowed to develop their own views and opinions on the safety program, management may develop unrealistic expectations or misinterpret performance data. Review the results of the 2024 ASSP Corporate Listening Report to discuss these potential deficiencies and take away actionable recommendations for aligning expectations and performance.
Business & Leadership Skills
Todd Loushine
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Associate Professor
Explore the science of energy-based safety using the Energy Wheel, and gain new insight on methods for assessing injury severity (STKY) and the adequacy of controls. Discuss how to use high-energy controls assessment to evaluate how well serious hazards are mitigated. Learn how practical, open-source tools can help you and your organization reduce the risk of serious injury or fatality.
Risk Assessment & Management
Sid Bhandari
University of Colorado Boulder Assistant Research Professor
Climate change and weather-related hazards (such as wildfires, floods, heat extremes, drought) have been an increasingly frequent and significant factor in EHS management. Discuss the human and financial costs of these events, and review the hazards associated with these events, safety and health considerations, adaptation and mitigation strategies, and emergency management.
Risk Assessment & Management
Leo DeBobes
Stony Brook University (School of Health Professions) Clinical Assistant Professor and Environmental Health & Safety Concentration Advisor
5024 | A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Integrating Ergonomic Solutions Into Software Innovations
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Human-robot interactions are an important area of opportunity for ergonomic innovations. Ergonomists can expand their scope beyond physical workstation design and into inventory allocation and management software design to reduce musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk. Review a case study to explore the technology and software developments implemented to reduce MSD risk in material handling.
Risk Assessment & Management
Vince Racco
Amazon Global Sr. Manager for North American Ergonomics Engineering in Workplace Health and Safety
Nikki Scott White
Amazon Director of Workplace Health and Safety Global Ergonomics
5025 | The HOPGun(TM) Mindset: A Safety Professional's Role in Creating Adaptive Capacity
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Explore adaptive capacity in a "mission first-safety always" mindset embraced by TOPGUN pilots. Evaluate evolution from safety through absence of negative events to create adaptive capacity to ensure safety and mission success when confronted by dynamic environments, varied competence, complexity and unexpected events. Assess accountability and discipline paradoxes in human and organizational performance (HOP) through a framework that balances learning, justice and operational excellence.
Risk Assessment & Management
Michael Peterson
SPARTAN Training & Performance LLC Chief Innovation Officer (CIO)
Timothy Reynolds
SPARTAN Training & Performance LLC Chief Operations Officer (COO)
5026 | The Forever Endeavor: EHS Strategies for PFAS in the Workplace
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Long-term exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) can result in significant healthcare concerns and costs for individuals and employers. However, a proactive safety program that addresses PFAS exposure can help. Discuss practical tools you can use to stay updated on PFAS issues, adapt to changing regulations, monitor research and innovation, and communicate risks to maintain a motivated and productive workforce.
Risk Assessment & Management
Eugene Wingert
Sompo Vice President, Environmental and Emerging Risk Specialist
5027 | New President, New Agenda? Workplace Health & Safety Law Update
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Heather MacDougall, who previously led Amazon's safety team and chaired the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC), offers a legal update covering the latest decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court, other federal courts and OSHRC, as well as OSHA and state plan developments.
Gain new guidance on prevention and response strategies your organization can use to prepare for workplace violence and active threat response. Learn the importance of using a non-linear-response model rather than a traditional linear model, and gain insight on how it can help you respond as these incidents increase in frequency and evolve in how they are perpetrated.
Level: Beginner | Track: Safety Management Systems
5029 | Exploring the Intersection of System Safety & Traditional EHS
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
System safety has much in common with the broader EHS discipline, but there are also many differences. Gain expert insight as we compare and contrast the two fields and explore how practitioners of both may benefit from a greater understanding of the other.
Safety Management Systems
David West
Board of Certified Safety Professionals Examinations Director
EHS regulations are complex and difficult to understand, but process mapping can simplify them. By creating visually based job aids, you can make compliance easier for employees. Through examples and practical techniques, learn ways to use process mapping techniques to develop job aids that improve understanding and compliance with EHS programs.
Risk Assessment & Management
Daniel Chodos
BSI America Professional Services Senior Consultant
Unleash EHS excellence in a globalized world. Tired of rigid EHS approaches that hinder progress? Build the skills you need to navigate the complexities of global operations. Discover the power of standardized approaches while embracing the unique strengths of your diverse workforce. Gain actionable insights and tools to build an adaptable EHS framework that drives both safety and operational success.
Develop skills to navigate the alphabet soup of EHS and sustainability so you can best manage your organization's reporting, identify the associated risks, understand the impacts of change management and effectively address everything else thrown your way.
Risk Assessment & Management
Monique Parker
SHE-MP Chief Executive Officer
Catryna Jackson
SAI 360/Evotix Software Global Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Advisor
5033 | The Shifting Age Paradigm of the Global Workforce: Ramifications for the EHS Professional
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
As the global workforce ages and with more Baby Boomers staying on the job longer, your organization's claims costs will increase. Identify solutions to get your organization ahead of the curve and reduce potential future cost. Take away actionable steps to break down corporate silos.
5034 | Implementing the New ANSI/ASSPP Z490 Standard: A Systems Approach to Safety Training
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Are you ready to implement the new ANSI/ASSP Z490 training criteria with your organization? Our standards committee members will share guidance for using the standard to establish and implement effective safety, health and environmental training systems. Hear the latest insights on topics such as learner competencies, trainer qualifications and training program management.
Level: Beginner | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5035 | Training Diverse Learners: Discover How Inclusion & Accessibility Benefits Everyone
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Is your safety training inclusive and accessible? Customizing your training to accommodate workers with learning barriers allows you reach a wider audience. Discover how to address these barriers with practical inclusion and accessibility training tips so that all workers remain safe on the job. Walk away with access to tools and checklists to help your training reach all learners.
Business & Leadership Skills
Ron Klapperich
Klapperich International Training Associates Principal Safety Consultant
Gwen Navarrete Klapperich
Klapperich International Training Associates (KITA) LLC Learning Consultant/Owner
5036 | Beyond the DOT: Building a Robust Fleet Safety Culture
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Our expert panel will explore the impact of distractions while operating fleet vehicles and machinery, focusing on how a strong safety culture can reduce risks. Review strategies for extending safety protocols beyond the worksite to the vehicle cab, emphasizing the importance of treating vehicles as critical tools that require diligent attention.
5037 | Addressing Psychosocial Hazards: What Organizations & Leaders Can Do Now
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Many countries have included psychosocial hazards under occupational safety and health, but the U.S. is lagging. The costs associated with these hazards are considerable for organizations and individuals, and the threat of these hazards is growing. Discuss examples of psychosocial hazards and share best practices you and your organization's leaders can adopt now to promote worker well-being.
5038 | KICS: AI & Risk Management-Using AI to Drive Safety Success
June 27, 11:00am - 12:00pm
We are increasingly exposed to AI in all facets of operations. Learn how we can use and incorporate AI to support organizational risk management strategies including risk assessment, predictive analytics, behavior modeling, training and emergency management.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5041 | AI in Play: Elevating Safety Every Day
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Step into the future of workplace safety where AI isn't just a buzzword-it's your new best friend! Examine cutting-edge AI tools that are taking safety to the next level, from predicting risks to providing real-time insights. Learn how AI can make your job easier, your workplace safer and your team more proactive.
Business & Leadership Skills
Chet Brandon
GrafTech International, Inc. Director of Global Health, SAfety & Environmental Protection
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5043 | 4 Reasons Frontline Leaders Struggle to Deliver Safety Results (and What You Must Do to Help Them)
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Do your front-line leaders have the skills to lead safety? Or do they depend on "the rules," "safety cops" and a lot of luck? Results are driven by three elements: values, behaviors and culture. Explore important topics such as identifying systems that degrade trust; recognizing signals of a culture at risk; and determining what tools can help you minimize cultural pressures.
5044 | 8,000 Workers Experience a Head Injury Each Year: A Deep Understanding on the Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Construction has more fatal and non-fatal workplace-related traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) than any industry. This danger is nothing new, but the rising attention to rotational motion, the leading cause of TBIs, is. Learn about common head injuries and how head protection can help protect against them from leading scientists so you can make informed decisions in service to job site safety.
Risk Assessment & Management
Sofia Hedenstierna
Mips Biomechanical Specialist
James Kelly
Ph.D., MA
University of Colorado School of Medicine Professor
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5045 | Lead With Influence
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Review lessons learned from Dale Carnegie clients for more than 100+ years and millions of participants on how to influence a safety culture based on trust and engagement. Leave with practical skills to ask better questions and explain your ideas and recommendations in an engaging way that will boost your credibility with your stakeholders and give you a stronger voice in your organization.
5046 | Robotic Technology for Intelligent Safety Supervision in Construction
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Discover how digital twin technology and real-time monitoring with robots and drones can enhance safety supervision in construction. Review an approach that uses proactive risk simulation, advanced data analytics and improved communication to enhance workplace safety and management. Gain a better understanding of this innovation and its vital role in the industryÕs digital transformation.
5047 | Using ANSI/ASSP A10.50-2024 to Build a Better-Than-OSHA-Compliant Heat Stress Management Plan
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Review the similarities and differences between ANSI/ASSP A10.50-2024 consensus standard on heat stress prevention and OSHA's proposed heat injury and illness prevention standard. Develop a deeper understanding of how you can use the ANSI/ASSP standard and its appendices to develop a plan that meets or exceeds the proposed standard.
5048 | Ergonomics vs. Biomechanics in Heavy Industry: Teaching Resilience Rather Than Avoidance to Encourage Personal Responsibility
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Learn how to reduce soft-tissue injuries and worker fatigue with a biomechanics-based approach. This approach focuses on building strength and resilience, conditioning workers for specific tasks and using positive language to promote personal responsibility. Discover practical strategies to enhance safety and performance by preparing your workforce for the physical demands of heavy industry.
5050 | Designing Safe & Inclusive Work Systems for a Neurodiverse Workplace
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Explore how to create work systems that support a neurodiverse workforce, including those with ADHD, autism, dyslexia and more. Discuss the unique strengths and challenges neurodivergent workers face and take away actionable strategies to design safer, more inclusive systems that foster productivity, reduce safety risks and promote well-being for all workers.
5051 | The Dynamic Duo: How Situational & Self-Awareness Unite for Safety & Success
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
We encounter risks in all our daily environments, from workplaces and homes to roads and sidewalks. Vigilant mindfulness in critical in our efforts to identify potential hazards, including environmental and human factors. Taking a proactive approach to safety, being alert to both internal and external factors, and using appropriate tools and techniques help help us assess situations and prevent incidents and injuries.
Risk Assessment & Management
Tim Page-Bottorff
Total Safety Compliance President
David Silva
Silva Performance Solutions, Inc. Safety Consultant
5052 | 8 Hidden Barriers & Solutions to Near-Miss Reporting
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Hear how one unionized manufacturing plant used practical techniques and tactics to transform an underperforming near-miss program. Discuss how a lackluster program-rightly nicknamed the "missing program" by workers-was transformed into a powerful tool that reduced incidents and injuries, increased engagement and moved culture forward.
5053 | EHS Program Management Benchmarking Results
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
As an EHS manager, you may feel isolated and uncertain about how your safety practices compare to your peers. Access to current EHS management data is essential for improvement. Using survey results, we'll explore what other professionals are thinking about budgeting, safety standards, injury trends and ESG responsibilities.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
5054 | Forum: Updates on ISO 45001 & Other ISO 450XX Standards
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
The U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO/Technical Committee (TC) 283 will provide the latest updates on five international OHS management standards-including proposed revisions to ISO 45001.
5055 | Best Practices for Protecting the Temporary Workforce
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Temporary workers are those paid by a staffing company and assigned to work for a host employer. This dual employment arrangement can create unique challenges to keeping them safe on the job. Learn effective strategies for handling these challenges and deepen your understanding of OSHA's requirements and expectations for safeguarding temporary workers.
Discover actionable strategies to reduce serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) in the workplace. Review a practical framework for identifying and addressing the root causes of SIFs, implementing proactive risk management techniques and fostering an organizational culture that values safety. Gain insights from real-world examples, explore data-driven approaches and leave equipped with tools to strengthen your organization’s safety performance.
Risk Assessment & Management
John Howard
Sid Bhandari
University of Colorado Boulder Assistant Research Professor
Our expert panel will showcase two enforcement cases, one that included a whistleblower investigation. One case involved a safety and health complaint and a whistleblower complaint following detection of a suspected propane leak at a salvage yard. The other case involved a reported fatality from an explosion that occurred while mixing primer at a small arms manufacturer. Gain insight on the inspection process and outcomes, including citations and abatement.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced | Track: Total Worker Health
5058 | KICS: Cultural Considerations in Global Safety Management: Fostering a Unified View of Safety in Multinational Workforces
June 27, 1:45pm - 2:45pm
In today's globalized world, multinational organizations face challenges implementing safety programs that work across diverse cultural norms and practices. Explore how culture shapes safety strategies, discuss the challenges companies face and review best practices for fostering a unified view of safety while respecting regional differences and maintaining high standards
Total Worker Health
Emmanuel Winful
Auburn University, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering EHS Manager
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5061 | The Power of EQ for Workplace Safety Leaders
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Explore the vital role of emotional intelligence in workplace safety leadership. Learn how self-awareness, empathy and social skills enhance safety outcomes, foster open communication and create a proactive safety culture. Through interactive activities and real-world scenarios, you will gain practical tools to strengthen their leadership and build a safer, more connected work environment.
Business & Leadership Skills
Denise Castille
Any Day CPR Training, LLC Chief Lifesaving Officer
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5062 | How to Destroy Your Safety Culture in 4 Steps-or 6 Steps to Build It
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Discover how to transform your organization's safety culture into a proactive "risk culture" that drives better decision-making and performance. Explore six pathways to build a resilient, safety-focused environment while addressing the four states of organizational paralysis. Equip your team with the tools and strategies needed to enhance safety, innovation and continuous improvement.
5063 | A10 Construction & Demolition Standards: Why You Should Care!
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Discover how the ANSI/ASSP A10 voluntary consensus standards are being increasingly used with the construction and demolition industries. Get the latest updates on several pending standards that address prevention through design, health hazards, tower construction and wind generation.
Risk Assessment & Management
Tim Fisher
American Society of Safety Professionals Chief, Safety, Health, and Well-Being Officer
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5064 | Afraid to Be Safe; How Well-Intentioned Safety Initiatives and Leadership Practices Can Create Fear and Hide SIF Risks
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
This presentation will explore how often well-intentioned safety programs and organizational leaders can unknowingly create cultures of fear that keep true, deeply seated problems hidden within an organization that eventually manifest as serious injuries and fatalities. Ultimately, this session is about taking a long look in the mirror to identify and tear down barriers to a true, learning-centered safety culture.
Business & Leadership Skills
Barry Spurlock
Eastern Kentucky University / Spurlock Law PLLC Associate Professor / Attorney
5065 | Developing & Managing a Gold Standard Ergonomics Program
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Explore how to develop and manage a gold-standard ergonomics program based on NIOSH's framework. Emphasizing a participatory approach, it highlights employee involvement in identifying hazards and designing solutions. You will gain practical strategies for risk assessment, ergonomic interventions and continuous program improvement to enhance workplace safety, productivity and long-term success.
What is the value of dealing more effectively with stress, frustration or anxiety? What would you give for a culture with less blame, shame or guilt? Do you want a more positive, happier life? This sounds almost too good to be true, but research and brain science actually shows this is possible, but it takes work… mental work…. Mental Fitness.
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5067 | Technology & People - It’s an “AND” Conversation
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Success as an EHS professional requires the ability to effectively combine technology with essential personal skills. Explore how critical thinking, communication and visual literacy can enhance hazard identification and risk management. By combining technology with human skills, you can achieve the most effective safety solutions and transform safety practices in your organization.
Business & Leadership Skills
Pete Batrowny
Cove: Center of Visual Expertise Advisory Board Member, Senior Client Advisor
5068 | Enhancing Workplace Safety Through Tailored Gas Monitoring & Customized Data Integration
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Explore how cutting-edge gas monitoring solutions and data integration can revolutionize safety and operational efficiency in industrial environments. Learn the transformative benefits of using data insights gathered through gas monitoring for your unique safety management needs. Gain new insight on the latest trends and practical applications that can significantly enhance safety protocols and reduce risks in industrial environments.
Risk Assessment & Management
Nick Vieira
Industrial Scientific Corporation Field Services Team Lead
5069 | Safety Without Standards: OSHA's Use of the General Duty Clause
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Gain better understanding of how OSHA uses the General Duty Clause to cite employers for allegedly failing to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards. Review actual citations and take away practical solutions and strategies you can use when reviewing your work sites for possible hazards. Leave with strategies that will help your organization handle OSHA inspections.
Risk Assessment & Management
Phillip Russell
Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC OSHA Lawyer for Businesses
Dermal exposure to harmful substances in an occupational setting is a significant problem globally. Learn about a new Bowtie skin exposure risk assessment methodology that allows for evaluation of multiple substances additive effects, and review a real-world application of the methodology to understand how you can use it in your workplace.
Risk Assessment & Management
Georgi Popov
University of Central Missouri Professor and Chair
5071 | How Generative AI Is Improving Workplace Safety: Real-World Examples
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Generative AI , particularly large language models (LLMs), is helping to improve workplace safety by offering new solutions that go beyond traditional methods. Using real examples, we'll illustrate how organizations are using generative AI to enhance safety across various industries.
5072 | Fall Protection Starts on the Drawing Board: Prevention Through Design Tactics for Diverse Industries
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Prevention through Design (PTD) is a powerful tool to mitigate fall hazards before construction begins. Using real-world case studies, learn how to incorporate fall protection into the design phase, leveraging advanced technologies and cross-functional collaboration to prevent costly retrofits and improve worker safety across diverse industries.
Fall Protection
Thom Kramer
LJB Engineering Fall Protection Safety Consultant
Michael Grumley
Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) Workplace Safety Manager
Level: Beginner | Track: Safety Management Systems
5073 | Preventing Incidents & Saving Money by Implementing an OHS Management System
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
A well-implemented safety and health program not only prevents incidents but also saves companies significant costs. Beyond direct expenses, indirect costs can quickly add up, impacting productivity and morale. In this session, you'll gain practical strategies to proactively reduce incidents and their associated costs while boosting employee morale, lowering turnover, and minimizing equipment downtime.
Safety Management Systems
Paige Rohrig
Georgia Tech Safety and Health Consultation Program Safety Branch Manager
5074 | Kickstart Your Machine Safety Program With ANSI/ASSP Z244.1
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Discover the four essential pillars of an effective machine safety program and learn a structured six-step process to take control of machine safety in your organization or plant. This session will also explore best practices for monitoring and sustaining your program using key elements of ANSI/ASSP Z244.1, including Lockout, Tagout and Alternative Methods-helping you enhance safety, compliance, and operational efficiency.
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5075 | Whose Safety Is It Anyway?
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Four safety professionals will tackle real-world safety challenges through unscripted skits. Modeled after Whose Line Is It Anyway?, we'll showcase creative problem-solving, coaching and audience participation to help you enhance safety leadership skills in unpredictable situations.
Business & Leadership Skills
Ann Lindsey
HSE Global Managing Director, US
Chris Garza
Feather and Mane Environmental and Safety Consulting and Implementation Principal Consultant
5076 | Telematics: Data Dangers of Uncoached Events
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Impact telematics can reduce at-risk driving behaviors. Management support of this technology is critical to ensuring your organization does not have a backlog of uncoached events.
5077 | The New Focus Four: Suicide, Opioids, Motor Vehicle, Falls
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Suicide, opioids, motor vehicle and falls are the leading causes of preventable deaths in the workplace. Gain new insight and take away pratical guidance based on lessons learned that will help your organization effectively address these four areas in the workplace.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
5078 | KICS: How to Progress Women in Leadership
June 27, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Explore practical strategies to advance women in safety leadership and create more inclusive workplaces. This session will address key challenges, from breaking barriers to fostering mentorship and advocacy. Gain actionable insights and tools to drive meaningful change, support emerging female leaders, and strengthen the future of the safety profession.
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6001 | Decoding the 12 Dimensions: A Futuristic View to a New Blueprint for Safety Leadership in 2025 & Beyond
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Enhance your expertise in safety leadership by breaking down the safety mission into critical strategies and practical approaches. This session will empower you to initiate, expand and sustain effective safety programs while maximizing your impact. We'll explore how strong safety leadership fosters 12 key dimensions across differential thinking, enabling strategies and intentional resultsÑequipping you with the tools to drive meaningful, lasting change.
Business & Leadership Skills
Daniel Hopwood
Sompo Vice President, Director, Risk Control Field Services
6002 | ISF Core Principles Report: Elevating Safety as a Business Strategy
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Workplace safety is more than compliance — it’s a business advantage. The Intersociety Forum (ISF), a coalition of safety organizations including ASSP and VPPPA, has developed a new report that promotes proactive safety strategies to drive operational excellence, reduce risk and enhance innovation. This session will explore how these principles can improve workplace safety and business success.
Speakers will also highlight OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) as a proven, free safety and health management system. Join us to learn how prioritizing safety strengthens businesses, workers and the economy.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6003 | What Type of Safety Professional Are You? Personas, Growth & Career Progression
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
There is no one type of EHS professional. From the safety cop to the rock star, all have strengths and challenges. Our experienced panelists will explore the five personas, how they are perceived, where they excel, and opportunities for growth. Start with the persona quiz, gain valuable insights and chart a course for your growth and success.
6004 | All Charged Up: The LioN Discussion Continues
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Lithium-ion (LioN) batteries are used in many applications in our daily livesÑincluding vehicles, renewable energy systems and solar systems. We'll review and build on comments and questions received at Safety 2024.
Risk Assessment & Management
Lawrence Schulze
Ph.D., P.E., CPE
University of Houston Director, Process Safety Certificate Program
Greg Bordner
Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Senior Hazmat Engineer
6005 | Forever Chemicals: Why PFAS Laws Are Changing Globally & Impacts on PPE & Health
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), known as "forever chemicals," are facing increasing global regulation due to their environmental and health risks. Explore why PFAS laws are evolving, the implications for PPE and the broader impact on worker safety and health. Gain insights into regulatory changes, industry challengesand strategies for navigating compliance while protecting both people and the planet.
6006 | Anchored for Safety: Essential Strategies for Effective Fall Protection System Design
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Join our expert panel to learn how to select, design and maintain effective fall protection systems. Explore regulatory requirements, common design pitfalls and the critical components of system certification. Gain knowledge to elevate your fall protection strategies, avoid costly mistakes and ensure your systems provide maximum protection.
Learn how to apply human and organizational performance (HOP) principles to improve hazard recognition and prevent serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs). Discuss actionable techniques for observing work differently, engaging workers in risk assessments and using the five HOP principles to drive a proactive, resilient safety culture in your organization.
Welding fumes contain clusters of submicron, non-homogeneous particles, making exposure highly variable and influenced by multiple factors. Review the key elements that impact exposure levels and discuss effective assessment and control strategies. Through data-driven insights, real-world case studies, and engaging video clips, you will gain a deeper understanding of welding fume risks and practical approaches to mitigation.
Risk Assessment & Management
Jerome Spear
Spear & Lancaster, LLC President and Founding Partner
As risk assessments have evolved, they've gained superpowers that make them perhaps the most valuable tool in our safety tool chest. Discuss how and why you should create more dynamic and complex risk assessments that can be the cornerstone to a long-term safety strategy and can transform almost any work environment.
6010 | How Sensor Data Fusion Is Enabling New & Transformative Forklift Safety & Fleet Management Products
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Sensor data fusion is transforming forklift safety and fleet management. By integrating data from sensors like cameras, LiDAR and GPS, real-time monitoring enables hazard detection, collision avoidance and predictive maintenance. Gain insights into enhanced safety, reduced costs and improved efficienc. Leave with practical strategies for implementing these advanced technologies in your operations.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
6011 | Employing the CIRCLE Method to Achieve True Continuous Improvement
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Creating a safer workplace is an ongoing journey-one that requires continuous, incremental risk reduction. Learn about The CIRCLE Method, a structured approach to systematically identifying and addressing unsafe conditions. Discover how this method fosters consistency, sustainability and long-term safety improvements, helping your organization build a stronger safety culture and reduce risks effectively.
6012 | Be Bold: Elevating the Value of Safety & Health by Leveraging Sustainability
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Develop your business acumen, strategic thinking and fluency, connecting the dots on the business value of people sustainability. In this context, you no longer need to seek out a seat at the decision-making table-we are the table! Leveraging sustainability strategies can help elevate the value of people and their health, safety and well-being at work.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6013 | Revolutionize Lifting & Body Mechanics Training With Technology & Microlearning
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Review the important elements of a more nuanced and effective method for teaching proper lifting that you ocan reinforce through a wearable ergonomic sensor program. Get practical guidance on factors and pitfalls to avoid when implementing this program and review outcome studies that will help you develop benchmarks for success.
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6014 | Microlearning: Its Many Benefits & How-to Guidance
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
EHS training is often long, boring and difficult to create, update and engage with. But what if there were a better way? Imagine an approach that delivers brief, single-topic lessons with clear learning outcomes-one that's easy to update, highly flexible and designed for maximum engagement. Even better, this content can be used across multiple courses. That approach exists-it's microlearning.
6015 | The Safety Leader's Role in Psychological Health & Safety: Addressing Bullying, Harassment & Inclusion Culture
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Gain insight on advancing whole-person safety at work. We'll discuss how to effectively mitigate risk to inclusion, equity, fairness, civility and respect, and belonging. Throuogh the use of the psychological hierarchy of controls (Psych HOC) and PPE, you will see how controls and protective factors work together to address mental health hazards, shift culture and influence safety, and reduce the risk of bullying and harassment.
Total Worker Health
Kim MacDonald
13 FACTORS For Business Growth Founder and Psych Health & Safety Integration Consultant
6016 | STEP Into the Future of Training: Leveraging ChatGPT for Safety Training
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Discover how AI tools like ChatGPT can revolutionise safety training by helping you prioritize what really matters. Learn how the STEP (Safety Training Effectiveness Priority) approach ensures that your training programs are focused, effective and engaging, giving you the tools to create safer workplaces without the fluff.
This panel showcases two enforcement cases: 1) a referral from the state fire marshall and significant media attention following an explosion at a transportation depot with a propane-powered bus fleet; and 2) a fatal fall involving the use of a dual-rated crane during power line construction. OSHA experts will discuss the inspection process and outcomes, including citations and abatement.
6018 | KICS: Emergency Response Within the Energy Sector
June 27, 8:00am - 9:00am
Hazards related toclimate change and natural disasters are prompting increased regulatory attention from EPA and OSHA. To ensure safety and compliance, we must take an active role in every stage of emergency response, from planning to execution. Explore evolving regulations, best practices and strategies for integrating climate-related hazard management into your emergency response efforts.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6021 | Leaving a Safety Legacy
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Examine what companies struggle with when attempting to create an effective safety culture: Compliance and engagement. By challenging the status quo and the "what's in it for me" mentality, gain a fresh perspective that will help you put greater value on what matters most.
Level: Executive | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6022 | Leadership That Matters: Aligning Values With Safety Success
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Discover how be a values-driven leader who fosters integrity, accountability and a strong safety culture. Learn practical strategies to align leadership practices with core values, improve decision-making and enhance safety outcomes. Developing these skills will empower you to build trust and engagement within your teams while navigating complex safety challenges.
6023 | Transforming Construction Safety: A Case Study in Owner-Driven Injury Reduction Programs
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Discover how a large construction project owner implemented a cutting-edge, sports science-based injury prevention program from the top down. These proven strategies can help you reduce soft-tissue injuries, overcome resistance from contractors and achieve measurable improvements in worker wellness, productivity and accountability on the job site.
EHS professionals and the organizations they support now need to prepare for the potential impact of extreme weather events and take action to reduce the related risks to their employees, operations and stakeholders. Review the various strategies that can support those efforts for any organization.
6025 | Stop the Rescue-Lemming Effect! How to Prepare for Rescue From Fall Protection
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Learn how to prevent fall protection incidents through proactive rescue preparation. We'll cover essential skills, response planning, equipment and methods to ensure your team is ready and capable. Gain insights into effective preplanning, collaboration,and skills verification to enhance safety and efficiency in fall protection scenarios.
6026 | Enhancing Workplace Wellness: The Critical Role of Footwear in Supporting the Kinetic Chain
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Ergonomic footwear plays a critical role in occupational safety and health. Discover how proper footwear supports the kinetic chain, enhances comfort and prevents injuries. Gain insights into balance training and its effects as we age, and explore a case study showing how high-quality footwear can reduce strain, boost performance and foster a healthier, more efficient workforce.
Risk Assessment & Management
Bryan Reich
WorkCare, Inc. VP, Programs & Operations - Prevention Services
6027 | Breaking the Silence: Exploring Mental Health as a Major Workplace Injury Factor
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Discover how mental health significantly impacts workplace safety. WeÕll reveal how stress, anxiety and depression contribute to higher injury rates, despite traditional safety programs focusing mainly on physical risks. Learn actionable strategies for integrating mental health into safety protocols and creating a holistic approach to reduce injuries and improve job satisfaction.
Total Worker Health
Brenda Doern
Onyx Fire Protection Services National Safety Director
6028 | Transforming EHS Incident Management: Leveraging HOP & Technology for Systemic Improvement
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Human and organizational performance (HOP) can shift focus from human error to systemic factors in incident management. It addresses the pitfalls of traditional incident investigations and demonstrates how customizable, cloud-based EHS platforms support learning, accountability and prevention. In addition, you'll review a real-world example illustrating how technology and HOP principles enhance safety and organizational resilience.
6029 | Legal Defenses & Best Practice for Handling OSHA Inspections & Citations
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Are you ready to handle an OSHA inspection? Do you know how to contest an OSHA citation? Explore the anatomy of OSHA inspections, including legal defenses and best practices for handling them successfully. We'll also explore some possible twists and turns, using examples from real-world cases and a mock demonstration.
Risk Assessment & Management
Dee Anna Hays
Ogletree Deakins Attorney
Phillip Russell
Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC OSHA Lawyer for Businesses
Learn strategies for conducting a successful safety observation through preparation, hitting the field with purpose, eliminating distractions, real-time coaching and use of recognition.
Risk Assessment & Management
Greg Notbusch
AT&T Field Operations National EH&S Associate Director Env/Health/Safety
Learn about the emerging field of large-scale hydrogen production for use in utility energy generation. Learn about the construction of electrolyzer units used to produce hydrogen in combustion turbines. Lessons learned include hydrogen gas detection and unexpected alarms during commissioning, required use of exotic metals, EMF exposure, intrinsic safety, signage, training and more.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
6032 | From Heroes to Systems: Transitioning From Individual Safety Ownership to the ANSI/ASSP Z10.0 Safety Management System Standard
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Help your company shift from relying on individual safety champions to adopting a systems-based approach aligned with the ANSI/ASSP Z10.0 Occuptional Health and Safety Management Systems Standard. Learn how to integrate safety into daily operations, foster leadership commitment and measure safety performance through a structured framework. Discover practical strategies for driving continuous improvement and building a proactive safety culture that empowers every employee.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
6033 | Beyond TRIR: Leveraging SIF-Potential Tracking for Comprehensive Safety Management in Construction
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Discover why tracking events with the potential to result in a serious injury or fatality (SIF-p) is crucial for comprehensive safety management in construction. Understand the techniques and potential that come from reviewing and tracking these events with the same rigor as recordables.
6034 | AI in EHS: The Approach, Potential Standardization & a Management Systems Perspective
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Rather than focus on how AI solves EHS problems, hear an update on the potential standardization of the use of AI within the EHS landscape in the U.S. We'll also share professional insight on the integration of AI in EHS management systems.
6035 | ANSI/ASSP Z15.1: Understanding Fleet Safety in Your Organization & Effectively Managing the Risks
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
Understand the benefits ANSI/ASSP Z15.1 will bring to your organizationÕs motor vehicle safety program. The consensus standard provides a structured approach to reducing work-related injuries/deaths, economic impacts of vehicle incidents and reputational risks. The 2024 update provides an enhanced tool designed to clearly understand the elements of effective motor vehicle safety program; identify the gaps; conduct a risk assessment; and take action.
How confident are you in your PPE? Not that PPE, but your bodyÕs built-in suit of armor. Physical strength and stability play a pivotal role in preventing injuries. Discover the impact a quality, measurable strength and conditioning program can have on injury reduction and employee resiliency as in the workplace.
Risk Assessment & Management
Sam Grimm
Work Right NW Account Manager, Athletic Trainer, Injury Prevention Specialist
Chantel Gorton
Work Right NW Director of Content & Marketing, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Injury Prevention Specialist, Sr. Account Manager
Head protection technology is rapidly evolving, with advancements in materials, design and impact resistance. Our expert panel will explore the latest innovations, regulatory updates and best practices for selecting and implementing effective head protection solutions. Experts will also discuss how emerging risks in construction, manufacturing and other high-hazard industries are shaping the future of head safety.
6038 | KICS: Addressing Special Fire Hazards: Lithium-Ion Battery Storage & Hazardous Substances
June 28, 10:00am - 11:00am
The increasing use of lithium-ion batteries in scooters, bikes and other personal transportation devices has led to a rise in fire risks that pose significant challenges. While efficient, these batteries can overheat or malfunction, leading to fires that are difficult to control and can cause severe damage. How do you currently handle these materials in your work environment, and what challenges have you faced? Add to our conversation on how we can prevent these risks and explore strategies for safe storage and handling.
Risk Assessment & Management
Josh Densberger
VHB Corporate Director of H&S
Greg Bordner
Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Senior Hazmat Engineer
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6041 | Becoming a Learning Organization: Creating Sustained Improvement in Safety Performance
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
While recordable injuries are declining, serious injury and fatality (SIF) rates are unchanged or even increasing. To sustain improvement in safety performance, it's important to be a learning organization. The learning organization concepts, pioneered by Peter Senge, draw on what we know about organizational performance, human performance improvement (HPI), evidence-based learning, human and organizational performance (HOP), SIF prevention, psychological safety and learning from what went right.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6042 | No es tu culpa (It's Not Your Fault): A Leader's Journey
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Every day, we're faced with the challenges and nuances of working with a multicultural workforce operating in a global economy. Challenges include different cultural expectations and language barriers that can ultimately lead to hazardous workplaces and a disengaged workforce. Learn from the presenters' personal experiences and data, and identify effective strategies you can use to be an even stronger leader.
Business & Leadership Skills
Carmen Julia Castellon Mercado
Carme Payment Innovations Safety and Health Professional
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6043 | Turning Leadership on Its Head: The Value of Informal Leaders
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Informal leaders are critical for organizational success. We'll use small-group discussion and storytelling to explore the defining characteristics of informal leaders. Gain insight on techniques and tools you can use to engage and empower them to drive organizational performance.
Business & Leadership Skills
Mary Silva
Crum and Forster Sr Risk Engineering Consultant
David Silva
Silva Performance Solutions, Inc. Safety Consultant
6044 | Computer Vision for Workplace Safety Risk Management
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Globally, hazardous work environments are complex and dynamic. This increases workers' susceptibility to various illnesses, injuries and fatalities. Explore the implementation of computer vision for workplace safety risk management, including existing applications from use cases. Build your knowledge of the main components fo computer vision to help you develop a decision-making approach for evaluating/selecting candidate systems, and analyzing the integration of ethical principles.
Risk Assessment & Management
Ibukun Awolusi
The University of Texas at San Antonio Associate Professor
Chukwuma Nnaji
Ph.D., MBA
Texas A&M University Associate Professor
Paul Thurber
Everguard.ai Vice President and General Manager - Manufacturing & Safety
6045 | Control Solutions for Respirable Crystalline Silica to Protect Workers Against Exposure to Silica
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Despite available controls, workers in several industires face overexposure to respirable crystalline silica. Innovative control solutions can overcome the complex sociotechnical factors impacting effective exposure reduction. Learn steps you can take by reviewiing examples of proven dust control measures.
Risk Assessment & Management
Frederick Anlimah
University of Wollongong/Work Science PhD Candidate/WHS Consultant
If your ergonomic assessments leave you feeling overwhelmed or stuck, it's time to rethink your approach. Our experts will share insights and guidance based on experience conducting hundreds of assessments for Fortune 500 companies. They'll also share breakthrough insights on how to transform your next ergonomic assessment into a game-changing success story.
Risk Assessment & Management
Kevin Lombardo
DORN Companies CEO & President
Alex Smith
DORN Companies Director of Program & Service Development/Sr. Ergonomist,
6047 | Putting Fire Protection Back Into Your OHS Management System
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Fire protection is a key element of a comprehensive management system, but it can get overlooked among other hazards. Preventing events and protecting people, property and the environment from severe consequences requires organizational capability, competency and capacity. Take away new insights and practical ideas for ensuring fire protection remains a priority.
6048 | Not Another Stupid Mistake! A 2-Prong Approach for Making Routine Work Safer
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Routine work is challenging because our brains follow familiar neural pathways. This can make it hard to stay alert and be fully present. It also makes learning and adapting more difficult because when thereÕs a course of least resistance, new information may not fully register. Discover a two-pronged approach to reducing the mistakes people make during routine work.
6049 | Electrostatic Spark Control in Liquid & Powder Operations: Are Bonding & Grounding Enough?
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Discuss the different ways electrostatic ignition hazards could arise. Review the practical measures you can implement to prevent/control them based on the requirements of NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity.
6050 | Wait! We Didn't Retaliate: Understanding an OSHA Whistleblower
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Being involved in an OSHA whistleblower investigation can be challenging for employers, especially those unfamiliar with the process. Gain practical insight that can help your organization navigate this process.
Risk Assessment & Management
Todd Logsdon
Fisher Phillips Partner and Co-chair, Workplace Safety Practice Group
6051 | Data-Driven Safety: Wearable Technology & the Next Generation of EHS Management
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
As the world becomes more connected and data-driven, companies can harness valuable information to benefit their businesses and workers. We'll discuss how safety leaders are using wearable safety technology, machine learning, AI and cloud computing to gain valuable insight about workplace risks, keeping workers safe, and mitigating hazards before incidents and claims occur.
Risk Assessment & Management
Tom West
MakuSafe Wearable Tech Vice President, Global Practice Leader
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
6052 | Leading Indicators: Easier Said Than Done
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Leading indicators are essential for proactive safety management but finding metrics that truly drive prevention is challenging. While there are no magic metrics, across our 60+ years of experience with clients across industries, we've identified several do's and don'ts around leading indicator development. Review examples of successful leading indicators and take away practical tips and tools.
Safety Management Systems
Judy Agnew
Aubrey Daniels International Senior Vice President, Safety Solutions
David Uhl
Aubrey Daniels International Senior Vice President, Consulting Services
6053 | The AI-Enhanced EHS Manager: Will Machines Take Over Safety Decisions-or Just Make Us Better?
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Explore how AI is transforming the role of EHS managers by enhancing decision-making with advanced analytics and real-time data. Uncover whether AI will take over safety decisions or simply empower managers to make better choices. Gain practical insights and techniques for balancing AI-driven tools with human expertise for improved safety outcomes.
6054 | Workers Cannot Manage What They Do Not Recognize
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Developing strong energy-based hazard recognition skills is essential for enhancing both process and occupational safety. By building this competency, organizations can achieve smoother work performance with fewer incidents, more targeted risk reduction strategies and improved team communication. Ultimately, the result is a workforce that effectively manages energy to perform work safely, leading to higher levels of organizational performance and overall safety outcomes.
6055 | Elevate Safety: The Essential Guide to Understanding ASSP Standards
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Gain fresh insight on the ANSI/ASSP standards, how and in what context they are used and the implications for safety professionals. Gain a better understanding of why you need to care about these standards and discuss how they elevate the impact of what you do each day.
Risk Assessment & Management
Lauren Bauerschmidt
American Society of Safety Professionals Senior Manager, Standards and Technical Services
Danyle Hepler
ASSP Standards Development Committee, [SDC] Chair, ASSP Standards Development Committee, [SDC]
Deena Ibrahim
ASSP Standards Development Committee, [SDC] Vice-Chair, ASSP Standards Development Committee, [SDC]
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6056 | Outdated to Outstanding: Upgrading Safety Training With Better Content, Design & Delivery
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Take your safety training and communications from outdated to outstanding by learning how to upgrade content, design and delivery. Learn to use AI to customize materials, and learn active learning techniques for engaging, effective training. Take away tips and tools to make your safety training the best it can be.
6057 | Rewiring Safety: How Mental Health & Neural Pathways Influence Workplace Safety
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Explore how neuroscience can transform workplace safety training and mental health initiatives. Discuss practical, brain-based strategies to help safety managers influence long-term behavior change, improve safety outcomes and enhance employee well-being. Learn how to "rewire" your team's approach to safety and create healthier, safer work environments.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced | Track: Safety Management Systems
6058 | KICS: Navigating the Complexities of Emergency Management in Healthcare
June 28, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Discuss real-world examples of safety and emergency management practices in healthcare and why they are critical in preparing for and responding to disasters.
Safety Management Systems
Shawn Rice
Department of Veteran Affairs Chief of Safety
Shawn Lewis
S&J Lewis Consulting Solutions, LLC Certified Safety Professional
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6061 | Safety Influencer: Authentic Leadership Skills for Sustainable Performance
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Explore strategies based on time-proven principles that enhance safety influence. Recognize drawbacks of common leadership approaches that undercut effective performance. Review ways authentic leadership greatly influences others to become enthusiastically engaged and take ownership for safety. Customize a strategy for personal leadership development.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6062 | Unleashing the Power of Stories to Transform Safety Culture
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Expand your understanding of storytelling based on the expertise of a certified change management professional, master storyteller and industry researcher. Learn how to leverage story structures and change management processes to create the transformation story that everyone is begging to hear.
Business & Leadership Skills
Jack Jackson
SafeStart Senior Safety Consultant
Kelley Norris
SafeStart Vice-President of Implementation Services
6063 | How a Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis Helps Determine Your Occupancy Classification
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Occupancy classification for combustible bulk solids handling processes present unique challenges for design firms and facility operators. Review occupancy classification requirements for combustible dust in model building codes used in the U.S., and how a dust hazard analysis can impact the occupancy classification.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
6064 | Using Technologies to Engage Workers in Safety & Health
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Our expert panel-the safety directors from National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Association (SMACNA) and The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC)-will explore using technology to engage workers in the field. With the advances in mobile and online applications, what programs work well in a company's safety management system?
Safety Management Systems
Wesley Wheeler
NECA Executive Director of Safety
Justin Crandol
SMACNA, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association Safety Director
Alex Kopp
TAUC, The Association of Union Constructors Safety Director
6065 | Workplace Violence + Active Shooter: It's About You, Your Management & Your People
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Employers are 18 times more likely to face workplace violence than a fire. While fire prevention systems are standard in every facility, many organizations lack the same level of preparedness for workplace violence. Despite having policies in place, there are often no prevention protocols, reporting procedures, response plans, designated response teams or employee training. It's time to change that-by implementing comprehensive strategies to improve outcomes and protect lives.
Nearly every organization owns and operates some equipment or machinery that places their employees at risk. Discuss the hidden challenges faced by operators of forklifts and other heavy machinery, and take away practical insights and strategies to enhance their safety and performance.
6067 | Tech-Savvy Safety: Elevating Fall Protection With Advanced Tools
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Discover how cutting-edge technology-like laser scanning, drones and advanced software-is transforming fall protection programs. Explore the integration of these tools to enhance safety, streamline inspections and improve data management, offering actionable insights for safety professionals seeking to elevate their fall protection strategies.
6068 | Lets Get Fired Up- Women in Fire Protection, Panel Discussion
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
In today’s job market, professionals become more diversified stand out and create new, exciting opportunities for themselves. From adding to your tool bag or to fully emerge yourself into the fire protection role, everyone can gain knowledge that would benefit their career. Diversifying your skills and join the wave of professionals entering this hot field with us!
Risk Assessment & Management
Jessica Vallee-Vasquez
Sompo Risk Control Associate
Holly Burgess
NFPA Technical Lead- Industrial and Chemical Safety
Jacqueline Wilmot
Brooks Safety Solutions Director of Industry Relations
6069 | Root-Cause Analysis: Identifying, Addressing & Solving Challenging Human & Organizational Performance Factors in Any Industry
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Identify, address and solve the real and most challenging human and organizational performance factors and root causes. Discover a systematic, user-friendly root-cause analysis approach that is based on cutting-edge research. It also incorporates both organizational system and human factors holistically, and has been implemented in more than 100+ countries across 10+ industries.
6070 | Stop-Work Authority: Does Every Person Feel Empowered to Stop Work?
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Have you practiced stop-work authority in your workplace? Did it go well as you planned? We interviewed experienced offshore personnel to discover insights that will deepen your understanding of the underlying challenges and unique efforts related to stop-work authority. You'll also learn how the findings can be applied in other work contexts such as manufacturing and process industries.
6071 | Mastering the Art of Preventing Incidents: Proven Strategies to Minimize Slips, Trips & Falls
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Take your slip and fall prevention program to the next level and master the art of preventing slips, trips and falls. Gain valuable insights and practical knowledge that will increase your ability to identify critical risk factors and integrate this information into a proven prevention strategy.
6072 | Designing EHS Data Systems for Decision-Making & AI: Architecting the Safety & Occupational Health Risk Management System
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
EHS software tends to focus on compliance recordkeeping and simple trend analysis. Many don't providing leaders with effective decision-making tools that reduce workplace risks and accidents. Learn how an organization can build data systems to provide in-depth analysis, decision-making capabilities, and AI functionality that minimizes risk and reduces workplace incidents.
Level: Executive | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
6073 | Believe In Safety: A Survivor's Story
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Transform your practice as you gain practical strategies, review real-world examples and discuss industry insights to foster a culture of safety. Understand psychological factors, empower safer choices, cultivate organizational safety, navigate crises, and learn the link between safety, trust and success. Be inspired to make safety a core value and create thriving communities.
6074 | Management of Change: Techniques for a Living Hazards Analysis
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Learn from industry experts about the critical role of a strong management of change program, especially when integrated with the hazard analysis process. Discover a framework for creating a robust management of change process and build your ability to identify the key elements needed for a successful, 29 CFR 1910.119 / 40 CFR Part.68-compliant program
Risk Assessment & Management
Kelsey Forde
Parvati Consulting LLC Owner / Principal EHS Professional / System Safety Engineer
Timothy Stirrup
Parvati Consulting LLC Principal EHS Professional / System Safety Engineer
6075 | Don't Walk Alone: Avoiding & Recovering From Burnout
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
As if safety professionals didn't already have enough to do, the past five years have added a tremendous amount of stress and change to our roles and our lives. This engaging and interactive discussion will explain burnout and provide actionable strategies to avoid and/or overcome burnout while helping the profession be better prepared for the future.
Total Worker Health
Elizabeth Howard
Georgia-Pacific LLC Corporate Safety & Health Manager
Herman "Chuck" Watts
Georgia-Pacific LLC Corporate Safety & Health Manager
6076 | Hidden in Plain Sight: A Stealth Approach to Incorporating Health & Wellness Into Your EHS Program
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Still struggling to incorporate whole-worker health into your EHS program? The answers might be right under your nose. Discover a series of stealth tactics to smoothly integrate health and wellness into your existing safety programs and uncover opportunities to collaborate with other departments to promote Total Worker Health¨ across your entire organization.
Total Worker Health
Valerie Stakes
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Safety Engineer III
This panel showcases two enforcement cases: 1) a media referral regarding the death of a worker while waterproofing the basement wall of a home under renovation from inside a trench; and 2) a media referral and a report from the local fire department about a catastrophic explosion at a chemical processing facility producing silicone products and materials. OSHA experts will discuss the inspection process and outcomes, including citations and abatement.
6078 | KICS: Does AI Have a Permanent Place in EHS?
June 28, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
As AI takes its place in everyday technology, we must decide its role in our profession. Join us to discuss the benefits, limitations and future of AI in industrial hygiene, ergonomics and the greater EHS profession.
Risk Assessment & Management
Paul Allen
CNA Risk Control Product Consulting Director-Industrial Hygiene
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
7001 | Engage Yourself: The Path to Growing Your Career
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Hear compelling stories from ASSP's past presidents and Fellows about how they navigated successful professional careers and engagement with ASSP. Their successes and lessons learned can help you chart the path that works for you. No matter how many years you've been in the profession, you'll be sure to learn from these dedicated leaders.
7002 | If You Had a Fatality, What Would You Change? Change It NOW.
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Why do we wait for a catastrophic incident to make long-overdue changes in safety? Instead, we must think critically about risks that others may not recognize. Learn how to use this "what if we had a fatality?" framework to help drive decision-making in safety. It's your opportunity to magine the unimaginable so you can prevent the preventable.
7004 | OSHA's HazCom Final Rule: What You Need to Know
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Review the major changes to OSHA's HazCom Standard that affect your workplace. Topics include: background of standard; new hazard classification, category, safety data sheet and label requirements; and how businesses can comply. Immediately apply what you learn to your existing chemical management program to ensure timely compliance to protect employees.
Risk Assessment & Management
Nick Stone
VelocityEHS Senior Strategic Consultant at VelocityEHS
7005 | Unlocking Safety Excellence: How Kaizen Events Transform the Workplace
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Discover how ergonomics-based Kaizen events can revolutionize workplace safety and efficiency. Explore the power of small, cross-functional teams to implement real-time, low-cost ergonomic improvements, enhancing safety, productivity and employee engagement. Learn practical strategies to drive continuous improvement and achieve safety excellence in your organization.
7006 | Lifting the Veil: Research Reveals New Thinking & Trends in Human Factors & Operational Resilience
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
After a decade of research, we've developed a framework that redefines human performance, emphasizing adaptability and decision-making over compliance. This model highlights the dynamic relationship between planned work and execution, supported by advanced analytics. This approach enhances situational awareness, critical thinking and empowerment, leading to safer, more resilient operations. Take away guidance that will help you reshape human factors in your organization.
7007 | Facing a New Workplace Hazard: Department of Army's Approach to Blast Overpressure
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Learn how the U.S. Army approaches the problem of a "new workplace hazard" and what it takes to put new policy, procedures and programs into place. Develop a better understanding of how an issue is developed and strategies delivered to achieve Department of Defense guidance.
Risk Assessment & Management
Marjorie McDonald
United States Army Director, Safety and Occupational Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment) (ASA IE&E)
Justin Artman
United States Army 86th Training Division Safety Manager
7008 | 5 Steps to Integrate AI to Improve Your Organization's Safety Performance
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Discuss five steps to start implementing AI into their organization. Topics will include current uses of AI, such as automation, predictive analytics, computer vision, behavior recognition and language modules. Review real-world examples of how these applications are applied in EHS.
Risk Assessment & Management
Kevin Slates
Ed.D., CSP
Indiana University Bloomington Safety Management Program Clinical Professor and Safety Program Coordinator
To achieve success in safety, there are ten areas in which organizations must focus energy and resources. Few organizations have the bandwidth to excel in each area simultaneously. This session explains these ten focus necessities and provides a guide on gathering perspectives from key stakeholders to prioritize an improvement plan or create a more robust safety improvement strategy.
7010 | To Wear or Not to Wear? Wearables in the Workplace
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Wearable technology is not just for ergonomics. It can also be used in industrial hygiene, self-rescue and communication. But you must beware of the pitfalls to avoid. Review the risks and discuss potential controls you can implement to ensure your wearable technology works for you, not against you.
7011 | Integrating Job Hazard Analysis: Focus on the Task
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
We have made vital improvements in EHS over the years. Unfortunately, we still experience the same incidents we always have and expect different results even through we've not made necessary changes. To keep your organization healthy and safe, learn how to focus on job tasks and think differently about hazards and risks mitigation.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
7013 | Promoting Sustainable Culture & Performance Through Advanced Management Systems
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Sustainable culture and improved performance are a significant challenge across many industries, despite the advanced tools and expertise available. Review practical examples for leading through these challenges and explore real-life examples of successfully managed EHS systems. Discuss multiple core focus areas that lead to the path to success.
Safety Management Systems
Petya Georgieva
Clarios LLC Regional EHS Manager
Georgi Popov
University of Central Missouri Professor and Chair
7014 | Voices From the Organization: How Employee Engagement Creates Organizational Learning
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Organizational leaders and safety practitioners alike must work together to determine best practices and learn what keeps employees safe. Organizational leaders are under increased pressure as the workforce shrinks, while EHS practitioners help train employees on workplace hazards encountered in everyday work. Identify key issues that can help you unlock organizational learning for safety.
7015 | ANSI B11.26 Functional Safety Update: Designing Machine Safety Control Systems
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
The presentation will examine the ANSI B11.26 standard; emphasize the updates in the 2024 edition; and explore its integration with ASSP/ANSI Z244.1, ANSI B11.0 and ANSI B11.19 standard for designing and installing a safety-related control system. ANSI B11.26 provides requirements and guidance for the implementation of safety-related control functions related to electrical, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical components of control systems.
Risk Assessment & Management
Eric Cummings
ROSS Controls
Christopher Brogli
ROSS Controls VP Global Safety Business Development Manager
7016 | Implementing a Flame-Resistant/Arc-Rated Clothing Program When Mother Nature(Heat) Is Also a Hazard
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
It's challenging to protect employees against severe hazards like arc flashes and flash fires while managing daily hazards such as excessive heat. Gain insight on the essential considerations for developing a comprehensive flame-resistant/arc-rated clothing program that effectively safeguards workers against thermal hazards while mitigating heat stress in extreme environments.
Risk Assessment & Management
Derek Sang
Bulwark Protection Senior Technical Training Manager
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
7017 | Seeing What Is Unseen: Addressing Invisible Disabilities for the Protection of All Employees
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Each person combines unique traits, abilities, personality, physicality and more, and these factors impact their perspective and day-to-day work. While most workers are protected under a large safety "umbrella," workers on the margins can face additional risk. Gain new understanding and direction for providing opportunities for and protecting works with unseen disabilities and challenges.
Business & Leadership Skills
Ashton Alban
EA Engineering, Science, Technology, Inc., PBC OEHS Project Manager
7018 | KICS: The Pros & Cons of the Use of Robotics in the Workplace
June 29, 7:30am - 8:30am
Robotics is becoming popular in various occupational settings. The benefits include reducing hazard exposure, including fall hazards and repetitive motion tasks that can lead to musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, you need to evaluabe and mitigate risks that may be introduced when robotics and humans work together.
Risk Assessment & Management
Lawrence Schulze
Ph.D., P.E., CPE
University of Houston Director, Process Safety Certificate Program
Level: Intermediate | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
7021 | Accountability: Understanding Its True Meaning
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Accountability is frequently hailed as a cornerstone of ethical conduct and effective governance, permeating discussions that include corporate responsibility. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept of accountability, including its origins, implications and applications across diverse fields. Discuss how accountability manifests within the safety profession and explore its multifaceted dimensions.
Business & Leadership Skills
Robert McCarthy
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF Occupational Health & Safety Division Head
7022 | Improving Power Hand Tool Selection for Life-cycle Management, Safety & Productivity
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
A process standard, AS6228A, and associated user's guide were developed to improve the evaluation and selection of power hand tools. Gain skills you need to integrate processes that empower users in your organization to influence the selection of equipment and promote safety and efficiency. Discuss effective ways to consider multiple safety, health and ergonomics hazards through these processes.
7023 | Move on Over! Make Your Job Rotation More Effective Using an AI-Powered Ergonomic Assessment Tool
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Take your job rotation program to the next level with an AI-powered technology to increase the speed and accuracy of assessments. Review a case study of a bakery operation to explore how you can use technology to successfully integrate job rotation into your overall ergonomics program.
7024 | ANSI/ASSP Z359 Fall Protection and Restraint Forum
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
The ANSI/ASSP Z359 Fall Protection Code provides an overall blueprint to help prevent injuries and illnesses that result when workers fall from heights. Take away tangible techniques and get answers to key questions to help improve your fall protection program.
7025 | Integrating Mindfulness Into Existing Safety Frameworks: The Safety Yogi Toolkit for Enhanced Workplace Safety
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Discover the Safety Yogi Toolkit, which integrates mindfulness into safety programs like human and organizational performance (HOP) and The Energy Wheel. Learn practical micro-mindfulness techniques to enhance worker well-being, improve focus and prevent incidents, creating a more resilient and safety-conscious workforce. Discover the neuroscience behind mindfulness and its impact on workplace safety.
7026 | AI in Safety: Culture Creator or Terminator
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
AI can transform EHS programs, but engaging front-line workers is critical. Discuss strategies for engaging workers in AI-driven initiatives, ensuring their support and enhancing safety culture. Take away insight on best practices such as feedback loops, transparent communication and ongoing training for sustainable safety improvements and a stronger, collaborative safety culture.
Risk Assessment & Management
Brittany DeRafelo
ESAB Senior Manager - Environment, Health, Safety & Risk Management Ð North American Region
7027 | Top 7 Noise Myths: Demystifying Noise Exposure Assessment:
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Gain an understanding of commonly misunderstood concepts in noise exposure assessment, including regulatory framework, occupational exposure limits, consensus standards, exposure assessment strategy and decision criteria. Use this knowledge to accurately characterize occupational noise exposure and prioritize similar exposure groups for implementation of controls.
When disaster strikes, reacting instead of proactively planning can lead to confusion and indecision. Does your organization know its capabilities during the critical first 100 hours? Ensuring regulatory compliance before a disaster occurs will safeguard employees and maintain operations. Once a crisis unfolds, it's too late to play catch-up-preparation is key.
Risk Assessment & Management
Dennis Terpin
The International Safety and Health Specialists Senior Industrial Hygienist / Emergency Manager
7029 | Mobile Equipment & Pedestrian Interaction Safety Improvement
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Hear how one employer improved the outcomes of interaction between mobile equipment and pedestrians. Review mobile equipment/pedestrian risk assessment methods and discuss a range of potential prevention and recovery controls.
Risk Assessment & Management
Andrew Perkins
Georgia-Pacific Senior Safety & Health Manager - Corrugated Division
7030 | SIFting Through All This Data: SIFs From the Boardroom to the Workers, Your Key to Success
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Traditional safety management systems and programs focus on minor injuries, recordable injuries and metrics such as TRIR or EMR. Such metrics do not account for recording serious injury and fatality (SIF) events potentially missing the mark on preventing life-threatening incidents. Get tips on selling and implementing SIF metrics throughout the organization, from the C-suite to front-line leadership.
Level: Intermediate | Track: Safety Management Systems
7031 | A Vision of the Small Business Journey to Managing Occupational Health and Safety
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Safety and health management systems consensus standards for small businesses are being explored by the ASSP/ANSI Z10 and the ISO 45001 TC 283 committees. Get an update on the evolution of those standards, discuss the importance of recognizing the small business community and review how we can bring small businesses along on the journey.
7032 | Integrating Safety & Health Into Management of Change
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Integrating safety and health into management processes ensures that workplace changes meet regulatory requirements and mitigate risks before implementation. Explore systematic review processes that identify and control potential hazards introduced by change. Learn about written protocols designed to manage change effectively while maintaining safety and compliance.
7033 | What if Lockout/Tagout Isn't Feasible? Practical Guidance From ANSI/ASSP Z244.1 on Using Alternative Methods to Control Hazardous Energy
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Nearly every company uses some form of alternative methods to lockout/tagout (LOTO). Typically, these solutions rely on functional safety and control systems to reduce risks where LOTO is required by OSHA. Gain practical insight to apply current standards and best practices to achieve acceptable risk when LOTO is not practical.
Risk Assessment & Management
Bruce Main
design safety engineering, inc. president
Alan Metelsky
design safety engineering, inc. Chief Controls Engineer, Function Safety Engineer (FSE)
Level: Advanced | Track: Business & Leadership Skills
7034 | Panic Starts Where Knowledge Ends: Good Decision-Making Starts in the Classroom
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Expert first responders will share firsthand experience related to decision-making models, the management of panic and effective instructional techniques. Learn how they have applied proven learning strategies in both their professional development and in the classroom. When done right, these strategies can empower responders to make good decisions.
Business & Leadership Skills
James Ownbey
Glynn Emergency Training Fire Battalion Chief / Paramedic / EMS Lead Instructor / Course Coordinator
Amanda Monroe
Glynn Emergency Training (GET) Firefighter/ Advanced EMT
7035 | Understanding DOT/Hazardous Materials Regulations for Highways
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Explore the hazardous material regulations outlined in 49 CFR 171-180, and gain a better understanding about complying with the regulations. This is critical knowledge if your fleet hauls hazardous materials.
7036 | Trend Analysis: Why Incidents Tend to Peak at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Discover why the "when" is important in trend analysis. Explore why incidents frequently occur around 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and how factors such as low blood sugar, circadian rhythms, nutrition and fatigue contribute to this trend. Gain an understanding of how time of day impacts safety outcomes, and take away practical guidance for using this information to enhance methods to improve workplace safety and health.
7037 | Turning the Tide on Child Labor: Addressing Troubling Trends Head-On
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
The use of child labor poses serious ethical, legal and safety challenges. Take a deep dive into the troubling trends of child labor violations, exploring their root causes, societal impacts and the urgent need for action. Gain insight into how businesses can identify and address risks within their supply chains, ensure compliance with child labor laws and promote fair labor practices. Explore proactive strategies and collaborative solutions for protecting vulnerable populations and fostering a culture of responsibility and accountability.
7038 | KICS: Protecting Public Workers Not Covered by OSHA
June 29, 8:45am - 9:45am
Federal OSHA does not directly oversee public sector workplaces. While some states have OSHA-approved state plans that extend protections to public employees, others do not, which creates inconsistencies in safety standards across the country. Discuss the gaps in coverage, review specific needs and explore solutions to enhance safety for public workers.
Risk Assessment & Management
Luz Marin
Randy Milliron
City of Gillette Safety Manager
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